Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Characteristics of Multi-purpose Behavior in a Mixed-Use Complex - A Case of the Central City in Seoul
Authors 윤정중 ; 임동빈 ; 최대식
Page pp.155-170
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 복합용도공간 ; 연계이용 ; 시설유형 ; 로짓모형 Mixed-Use Complex ; Multi-Purpose Behavior ; Type of Facility ; Logit Model
Abstract This study aims to empirically analyze the characteristics of multi-purpose behavior in a mixed-use complex and to investigate the effect of individual attributes and facility types to be used. According to the survey result from 628 visitors at the Central City in Seoul, a department store, bookstore, food court, square and bus terminal have a higher frequency for multiple use. It shows that visitors to department store particularly, tend to visit square, terminal or bookstore, while visitors to the square have a great propensity to visit continuously department store, bookstore, food court and cinema. The result of ANOVA represents that sex, age, residence, companions, and visit frequency are significant variables to effect the number of facility uses. The result of Logit Analysis indicates that women, high income, more companions and use of core facilities are significantly related to the use of two or more facilities. It also represents that users of cultural-assembly facility, small stores and open space have a great tendency to use more than two facilities.