Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Augmented Place Making by the Convergence of Urban Place and Digital Media - Focused on the Planning for Sangam Digital Media Street
Authors 김도년 ; 데니스 프렌치만(Dennis Frenchman) ; 마이클 조로프(Michael Joroff) ; 이성창 ; 송승민
Page pp.191-210
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 장소 큐레이팅 ; 장소 만들기 ; 첨단기술 ; 장소 시나리오 Augmented Place ; Place Curating ; Cutting-Edge Technology ; Place-Based Scenario
Abstract Digital Media Street is responsible for the consistent revision of a scenario that will reflect the changes and technological progress in the industry with strong narratives; The strong narratives also establish a curating plan through this scenario that integrates the Digital Media Street masterplan rationale with the characteristics of individual places. This curating plan basically attempts at a new cultural point wherein both analog (urban place) and digital (cutting-edge technology) aspects are harmonized to become an ‘Augmented Place’. Process for the Digital Media Street place planning is composed of five phases. ① Build a network considering the characteristics of the industry and contents of the resident companies; ② Define the nature of public nodes, considering industry, contents characteristics, and visitors; ③ Set a scenario that actively uses the contents of those resident corporations; ④ Set the integration of digital (high tech) and analog (traditional space impression) factors to create augmented space, and; ⑤ Establish a place-based scenario and curating directions.