Title |
A Urban Design Strategy based on City Identity - Focused on Daejeon Metropolitan City |
Keywords |
도시정체성 ; 도시디자인 ; 도시마케팅 ; 도시브랜드 City Identity ; Urban Design ; City Marketing ; City Brand |
Abstract |
As a tool to promote competitiveness of a city, urban design has been widely employed in policy-making and its implement recently. Among its strategies is public design for landscaping and public facilities which have, however, struggled to be carried out due to unclear definition of urban design domain and lack of systematic approaches. This study aimed to propose a systematic methodology to develop strategies for urban design and policy. It analyzes a process model for urban design strategy revealed in Daejeon Metropolitan City as an example. It derives an image of ‘city-like’ - an identity derived from a city resident survey. Primary factors influencing the identity of ‘city-like’ and the formation of city image were analyzed. To promote ‘city-like’, framework for urban design well as process of strategic project were developed. These findings suggest a hierarchy of policy in urban design and procedures of project planning including landscaping and public facilities design. |