Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Urban Settlement Index for Urban Clean Development Mechanism - Case Study of Spatial Eco-Footprint on Community Units
Authors 김우영
Page pp.17-28
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 청정개발체계 ; 생태발자국 ; 지수 ; 근린단위 ; 근린주구 ; 커뮤니티 CDM ; Eco-Footprint ; Index ; Community ; Unit ; Neighborhood
Abstract Regarding the urban theories for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as the critical approach analyzing physical land-use, regional density and social activities based on urban cluster units, this research is implementing a case study covering 18 neighborhood units around a public elementary school, one of outstanding community facilities in the surveyed area of Shinchon, Seoul. A juxtaposed development model of the urban clusters is addressing an index system that can interpret local contexts into significant attributes including the numeric density of functional context as well as functional rates according to building stories, spatial occupants and various functions categorized by six groups such as residential, commercial, educational, public, leisure and social activities. As for the Eco-footprint and the Urban Transect that geographical continuity represents the urban CDM in variable scales, the provided index will be able to verify whether a process of organizing an urban cluster for corresponding neighbor units is beneficial to its collective communities.