Title |
Effects of Commercial Complexes on Pedestrian Behaviors - A Case Study of Myung-dong Commercial District in Seoul |
Keywords |
복합상업시설 ; 보행자 행태 ; 상업지역 ; 독립표본 t-검정 ; ANOVA검정 ; 사후다중비교 Commercial Complex ; Pedestrian Behavior ; Commercial District ; T-test ; ANOVA ; Multiple Comparisons |
Abstract |
This study aims to analyze the effects of a commercial complex on pedestrian behaviors in commercial districts. The goal is to propose better methods of locating commercial complexes in a commercial district as ways to vitalize the area. The results of a survey in the Myung-dong area show that a commercial complex has an effect on pedestrian behavior as follows. Those who use a commercial complex are apt to stay in a small area around the complex, remaining in the streets of the area and shopping in small stores. Moreover, pedestrian behaviors were observed as to differ, according to the location and functions of the commercial complex. Those who use a complex located inside of a district are likely to shop on various streets in a broader area. In addition, if a commercial complex has entertainment elements, user activities in the streets tend to decrease. In conclusion, it is necessary to consider the location and functions of the complex in order to vitalize an entire commercial area, when planning a commercial complex. |