Title |
Interpretation of Compound Place Identity in Mulllae Creative Village, Seoul |
Keywords |
자생적 문화공간 ; 도시재생 ; 장소의 본질 ; 내부성 ; 외부성 Self-Motivated Cultural Area ; Urban Regeneration ; Essence of Place ; Insideness ; Outsideness |
Abstract |
This study was conducted in order to interpret the characteristics in broadening sense of public space and to draw the suggestion in urban design and urban management sector by catching the compound place identity of Mulllae creative village, the self-motivated cultural area. Research methodologies are as follows; ① diachronic and historical perspective, ② synchronic and relational perspective such as place identity components that of physical setting, human behavior and meaning ③ total collective perspective, and as a result, the following characteristics are concluded. That is, the place identity of Mulllae creative village which was formed self-motivated in recent years provides the motivations of creativity to public arts within the designation in the industrial capabilities and from the public arts, the industrial declining environment are transformed to new possibilities. From this point of view, the virtuous cycle system that generates a whole new meaning is created. Thus, the lesson that the living world which is the essence of placeness, without question, fall apart and the importance of new perspectives looking at complexity systems called contemporary cities are risen if unique software and networks in site are overlooked due to too much concentration on physical reformations of urban space. |