Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Design Guideline of the Apartment House Complex for Mitigation of Heat Island Effect - For the planning agenda constructed and elected in 2005~2010
Authors 배웅규 ; 윤기학
Page pp.47-60
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 공동주택 ; 주거군 ; 열섬현상 ; 열섬완화 ; 열환경분석 ; 전산유체역학 Apartment House Complex ; Housing Cluster ; Heat Island Effect ; Heat Island Mitigation ; Heat Environment Analysis ; CFD
Abstract This paper is to aim at proposing the schemes to alleviate the urban heat island effect caused by global climate change through recognizing the seriousness of effect and the limitations of previous studies. To do so, it found seven types from 31 cases of apartment housings; and then analyzed the heat environment of two types out of seven, which are applied green and water space. As a result, it found the difference of approximately 0.5℃ only based on a type of main building in the same condition. It shows that the maximum 0.18℃ of temperature has been alleviated in the same condition when green and water space are increased 10%. In addition, it proposes the planning schemes, such as a type and organization of building and a location of green space and circulation, to alleviate the heat island effect through learning from simulations.