Title |
Open Space Design for Certificated Green Apartment Housing |
Keywords |
친환경건축물 ; 인증제도 ; 공동주택 ; 친환경 평가 Green Building ; Certification System ; Apartment Housing ; Environmental Assessment |
Abstract |
This study aims to examine the quality of outdoor space in the ‘Environment-friendly Building Apartment Housings’ (20 case studies) and identify the problems of the existing grading system. The findings include; first, as there was no minimum standard rule, the housings with less ecological outdoor environment could be certificated as the Green Apartment Housing. The rating factors were land use, ecology and transportation. The study sites earned low marks (about 50 %) in the land use field and ecological field (about 45 %). But they had good mark by almost 80 % in the transportation branch. They got above average 65 % and finally could be certificated as the Green Apartment Housing. Second, in the transportation field, rating checklists included a few naturally installed facilities, which could make certification easy. Thus, the rating method should shift from quantitative to qualitative. Third, especially in the ecology field, as there are no minimum standard rules, apartment housing with lowest score in the ecology field could get certified as the Green Apartment Housing. This result indicates that the evaluation system of current rating method needs to be improved. |