Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Small Shops Under Threat from Giant Markets, Are there any Solutions of Urban Planning? - Focused on the Protection of Local Shops and Commercial Revitalization Policy, Paris
Authors 박진아
Page pp.51-69
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 소형상업 ; 상업 보존가로 ; 지역상점의 활성화 ; 파리시 도시지역계획 ; 동네활성화 사업 Small Commerce ; Conservation of Commercial Street ; Revitalization of local Shops ; PLU(Le Plan Local d’Urbanisme) ; Vital' Quartier
Abstract This study deals with importance of small retail business activities in the city and suggests some implications on how to attract these activities into the urban built environment in terms of urban planning perspectives. To draw useful implications, this study conducts case studies of ‘Plan Local of Urbanisme’ and “Vital?Quarter” in Paris, France which protect and maintain small retail businesses by encouraging more diverse retail business within the areas. Through case studies, the following implications can be drawn as follows : First, the combination of commercial policy and urban renewal ; Second, commercial policy and creation of local job ; Third, commercial policy and urban competitiveness ; Forth, activation of street and urban streetscape plan ; Fifth, commercial policy and neighborhood environmental improvement plan. The implications of urban planning are as follows : First, the need for basic data collection and analysis of commercial facilities ; Second, the analysis of the effects of big commerce on surrounding neighborhood ; Third, maintain the property as the main commercial street through the preventing system of the merger of small commercial parcels.