Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Urban Regeneration Strategy and Guidelines for the Railway Sphere of Kyungin Line - In the case of Do-Won Station (Green Walkable TOD)
Authors 이중원 ; 이경아 ; 손세형
Page pp.83-102
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시 재생 ; 구도심 ; 도원역 ; 철도공간 ; 인천 Urban Regeneration ; Old Urban Centers ; Do-Won Station ; Railway Space ; Incheon
Abstract The goal of this research is to regenerate the old urban centers by rehabilitating the railway district. The procedure is as follows; first, draw the problems of existing railway station and its district in the old urban centers; second, propose regenerating design strategies and; third, analyze the possible effects by the strategies proposed. The problems of the railway station and its district were; first, the above-ground railway functioned as a urban barrier; second, the adjacent roads became parking lots; third, deficiency in the provision of cultural contents and public amenity facilities dissuaded the young generation to move into the urban centers. To solve these inherent problems, this research proposes three-dimensional green network system, openspace, renovation of the station building, complex circulation system, and community-based urban programs as solutions. Corresponding effects are also reviewed. The limitation of the research is paradoxically from the selection of a particular site. The claims of the research are subjected to be site-specific. The next research should be a comparative analysis on, at least, three stations to meet the shortcomings of this research.