Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Urban Design on the Small-scale Urban Renewal Project of Old Downtown Areas, Seoul - Focused on Gong-Pyung Redevelopment District in Insa-Dong
Authors 장경철 ; 여춘동 ; 강맹훈 ; 배웅규
Page pp.67-80
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 소단위맞춤형(수복형) 정비 ; 도시환경정비사업 ; 도심부 Small-scale Urban Renewal(Considering Context) ; Redevelopment ; Old Downtown Areas
Abstract This design propoasal focused on old downtown area in Seoul to apply a new urban redevelopment tool, named 'the Small-scale Renewal'. We have dealt with the Gong-pyong district in Insa-dong for two years, which is going to be realized as the first case of the tool. The main design issues are 1) to preserve the existing urban tissues, 2) to activate blight areas, 3) to achieve eurban infrastructures, and 4) to improve streetscapes through setting up proper development units. In addition, we proposed some schemes and strategies to improve the tool, such as strategic joint-development, citizen participation, and deregulations.