Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Uses and Functions of Squares in a Downtown based on the Concept of Behavior Setting - Focused on the Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul Square and Cheonggye Square
Authors 최우석 ; 김기호
Page pp.109-120
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 광장의 이용 ; 공공영역의 기능 ; 행태의 장 ; 기능의 평가 Use of Square ; Function of Public Realm ; Behavior Setting ; Evaluation of Function
Abstract This study aims to research and evaluate how to role and operate the public realm in a city by analyzing the functions of three squares in Seoul. In addition, it is to propose schemes to improve the legal system for design and use of squares. To do so, it examines three squares as a public realm, regarded as behavior setting. The patterns of people's use was recorded and analyzed through observation and then was analyzed and evaluated as to whether any kind of elements of the behavior setting had an effect on the function. Its findings are as follows. First, the floating population, the pattern of built form and the legal system affect the political function and the Seoul square was evaluated to perform this well. Second, the internal physical environment and the time affect the common function and three squares were evaluated to perform them predominately. Third, the floating population and the internal physical environment affect the learning function. Finally, the elements of behavior setting that had an effect on the function of the square are, in the following order, legal system, time, the patterns of built form, and the behavior patterns.