Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Direction of the Development for KTX Railway Stations through a Comparative Analysis of Urban Architectural Aspects of Domestic and International High-speed Railway Stations
Authors 양진화 ; 정동섭 ; 김도년
Page pp.121-136
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 고속철도역사 ; 역사이용자 ; 역사의 역할 및 기능 ; 통합관리기구 KTX Railway Station ; Railway Station Users ; Role of KTX Railway Station ; Integrated Management Organization
Abstract Railway stations have changed by establishing a correlationship with urban space. Since Korean Train Express(KTX) began operations in Korea in 2004, its railway system has been growing by forming a wide traffic network. In these changes, the necessity of setting up the roles of railway stations, reflecting the status of the high-speed railway stations, became one of the important issues. However, the high-speed railway stations have been planned just as a traffic infrastructure without being differentiated from existing stations. Accordingly, this paper found the problems through studying the present conditions of stations and suggested several planning implications through examining other countries's cases. As a result, The major schemes is as follows. First, the plan of high-speed railway stations should be established from the perspective of the urban architecture of a long-term view. Second, it should have an integrated transit linkage system and functions of facilities considering locational characteristics. Third, it should provides both the integrated management system and the comprehensive system, which are required to operate synthetically for high-speed rail history of the construction and maintenance