Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Proposal for the Small-scale Renewal Program based on the Aging Building Distribution Patterns in Land-readjustment-project Areas of Seoul City
Authors 이재남 ; 이희정
Page pp.19-33
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시재생 ; 토지구획정리사업 ; 소규모 개발 ; 주거환경개선 Urban Regeneration ; Land Readjustment Project ; Small-scale Development ; Residential Environment Improvement
Abstract This study focuses on Land-readjustment-project Areas in Seoul to provide schemes for improving the current redevelopment tool, which is a Small-scale Renewal program for residential areas. The main issues of this paper can be summarized as follows. First, the residential environment includes different types of blocks and the streetsystems depending on when they were developed. Second, the 6 types of the residential environments were categorized in terms of the block-type and the aging building distribution patterns through three case studies in Seoul(Isu district, Youngdong-2 district and Gaepo district). Third, it proposes 4 types of Small-scale Renewal plan considering the development possibility. In addition, it proposes that low-rise residential areas developed by the Land-readjustment-project should be more effectually managed according to a concrete action plan, t like the District-Unit-Plan or another type of intentive plan under the Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Act, which is now being renewed.