Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Empirical Study on the Effect of ECORICH Cities
Authors 조영태 ; 이미홍 ; 박신원 ; 조규만
Page pp.139-148
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 생생도시 ; 녹색성장 ; 지방자치단체 ; 실증분석 ECORICH City ; Green Growth ; Municipality ; Empirical Study
Abstract This study aims to analyze how much green growth ECORICH policy, promoted by the central government of Korea, has affected municipalities empirically. By evaluating ECORICH policy from 2009, the central government selected 44 municipalities practicing green growth policy and supported this new paradigm. To overcome the limitation of the existing qualitative study with questionnaire analysis, this paper attempts a quantitative study with official statistical data. Followings are 7 selected indicators ; electric power usage, length of bicycle road, capacity of rainwater restoration facility, volume of discharged waste, number of registered ESCO company, area of urban park, and number of households registered in CO2 point system. Time series analyses are processed from 2008 to 2011 based on the starting points of ECORICH policy. As the results of the empirical study, the present condition of 44 selected ECORICH municipalities are superior than other unselected municipalities, and the amount of change between pre and post ECORICH policy are ameliorated in a desirable direction. As reflected in the local governments’ policies, ECORICH policy has enhanced awareness of green growth of municipalities as well as understanding by citizens.