Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Effect of the Elements of Physical Variation after Wall Removal Project in Detached Houses on the Natural Surveillance and Fear of Crime
Authors 김병석 ; 박진아
Page pp.119-130
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 담장허물기 ; 범죄불안감 ; 가시성 ; 자연적 감시 ; 단독주택지 Wall Removal ; Fear of Crime ; Visibility ; Natural Surveillance ; Detached Houses
Abstract This research aims to examine how the differences in visibility that occurred from the physical changes of tearing down walls around detached houses that have implemented the 'Wall Removal Project' influenced natural surveillance and the reduction of the locals' fear of crime. In order to do this, we have selected Hongeun 3-dong as the example area out of all districts that have implemented the 'Wall Removal Project', and analyzed the physical aspects of detached houses. As a result, we have first confirmed that the changes in physical aspects houses that have implemented the ?Wall Removal Project? has reduced the locals' fear of crime compared to before the project was executed. Secondly, the increase in natural surveillance that was recognized by the locals reduced the fear of crime. Thirdly, in the influential relationship between physical aspects and the reduction of fear of crime, natural surveillance had a mediating effect. Based on these results, we could confirm the effects of the 'Wall Removal Project', which is a part of the 'CPTED', among detached houses, and this will become an implication for future physical environmental designing that structures detached houses safe from crimes.