Title |
The Comparative Analysis on Affecting Elements on Residential Environment Satisfaction According to the Environmentally Friendly Building Certification |
Keywords |
친환경 건축물 인증 ; 친환경 건축물 인증요소 ; 주거환경만족도 ; 공동주택단지 Certification of Environmentally Friendly Building(CEFB) ; Elements of CEFB ; Residential Environment Satisfaction ; Comparative Study |
Abstract |
This paper aims at comparing Residential Environment Satisfaction(RES) between Environmentally Friendly Certified(EFC) site and non-certified(NEFC) site, and identifying the influence factors on the RES of EFC site through the regression analysis and factor analysis. Four sites in Namyangju-si new town were selected as case study at Jinjeop district, and findings were as followings. Firstly, RES of EFC site was statistically higher than that of NEFC site by ANOVA analysis with 38 variables. Secondly, regression analysis with only 12 elements of EFC. They were not statistically significant to RES. So any other else elements would influence on the the RES of EFC site. Thirdly, regression analysis was done to identify influence variables on the RES of EFC site. Statistically significant variables were satisfaction degree of green environment management, energy efficiency, separate garbage collection, indoor temperature, pedestrian way, CCTV, and heating and maintenance cost. The former five variables were from variables of EFC elements, and the latter 2 variables were from NEFC elements. |