Title |
The Characteristics of the Urban Design Guideline of Plan Local d'Urbanisme and the Urban Regeneration Operations in France - Focused on Local Military Installations Relocation of the ZAC de Bonne |
Keywords |
프랑스 도시지역계획 ; 협의정비지구 ; 도시관리계획제도 ; 도시재생 ; 지속가능한 개발 Plan Local d'Urbanisme(PLU) ; Zone d'Amenagement Concerte ; Urban Planning Management System ; Urban Regeneration ; Sustainable Development |
Abstract |
This Study aims to analyze characteristics of PLU(Plan Local d'Urbanisme) which has changed French urban planning management tools since 21th century and shows its implications through the examination of the PLU of Grenoble. This study found the characteristics of urban architectural planning and urban landscape by reviewing both common principles and detailed guidelines of the PLU of Grenoble. Based on this analysis, the results are as follows: First, the Plu of Grenoble represents social and economic characteristics. They include the differentiation strategy of density distribution, development method and social mix by sectors. Second, meeting criteria of the EU Concerto Program and HQE(Haute Qualite Environnementale), this project received lavish financial support. Third, the combined effort of stakeholders has made it possible to achieve such objectives as diversity, accessibility and the harmony with green areas. |