Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title New Housing Models for Small-Scale Redevelopment Projects of Residential Block Surrounded by Streets ; Neighborhood Renewal Unit
Authors 권혁삼 ; 이영환 ; 박준영 ; 김성훈
Page pp.35-48
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 가로주택정비사업 ; 주거모델 ; 근린재생 Small-Scale Redevelopment Projects of Residential Block Surrounded by Streets ; Housing Models ; Neighborhood Renewal Unit
Abstract This study aims to propose new housing models for the redevelopment of residential blocks surrounded by streets, with the consideration on the current regulations of the redevelopment projects that are in effect from August 2012. In contrast to other redevelopment projects, the requirement of the procedures to determine the redevelopment areas are waved for the projects for residential blocks surrounded by streets. Thus, we conduct simulations to suggest 36 models of medium-rise and high-density housing (i.e., 5 to 7 story housings with floor area ratio of 2.0) that are applicable to various locations and sizes. Those models have 20~200 units per block, and, compared to high-rise and high-density housing, lack sun light exposure, and underground parking lots. Nevertheless, the proposed housing models produce affordable housings to contain existing economic situation of residents. The combination of those models would lead to a gradual and planned redevelopment for neighborhood renewal.