Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Utilization and Making Vegetable Garden of Vacant Land and Deserted House in Deteriorated Low-rise Residential Area for Neighborhood Regeneration - Focused on No-Song Low-rise Residence District in Jeonju
Authors 하창호 ; 곽희종 ; 김현숙
Page pp.81-93
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 근린재생 ; 공지 ; 폐가 ; 텃밭 ; 주민참여 Neighborhood Regeneration ; Vacant Land ; Deserted House ; Vegetable Garden ; Participation of Resident
Abstract The improvement of physical environments as a residential project for regenerating deteriorated residential area has shown a limit in bringing population influx and community restoration. Especially the grid pattern street improvement in natural parcels produced lots of vacant areas and revealed the limit in increasing reconstruction for the vacant and deserted houses. This study proposes, as an integrated neighborhood regeneration strategy, that the deteriorated residential area can be restored effectively by using it as vegetable gardens. As research methods, the function and possibility of vegetable garden were investigated by the review of previous studies. The scale, shape, cause, and present using status were also analyzed, and classified into four types. The study identifies the role of residents, administration, and intermediary supporting organization in making residents? community vegetable garden with deserted house type.