Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Patterns of Housing Choice of Korean Elderly Households - Focused on the Residential Mobility and Elderly Housing
Authors 고진수 ; 최막중
Page pp.19-32
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 고령화 ; 노년 가구 ; 주거이동 ; 노인주택 Aging ; Elderly Household ; Residential Mobility ; Elderly Housing
Abstract This study aims to analyze aging, deterioration and solitary condition's influence on the residential mobility and the choice of elderly housing and to address housing issues of the aging society. First, the residential mobility of elderly households are influenced by diverse factors such as housing tenure, income, region, housing satisfaction, duration, and housing types. Second, accessability to medical service is anticipated to be more important in aged society. Aged households with poor health-condition prefer to migrate into urban areas to find better accessability to medical service. Also, they prefer to reside in current housings rather than move to the housings built for the elderly. Thus, improving medical accessibility of current residential area is supposed to be more desirable than supplying elderly housings which are specialized in medical service. Third, the supply of elderly housing should reflect the characteristics of elderly households: Many senior households hoped to live in elderly housing despite its insufficient supply and shows high demand for the low-rent and small-sized elderly housing which is separated from middle-aged housings. Consequently, the elderly households' preference needs to be considered in supplying the elderly housing.