Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Understanding Regulatory Impacts on the Street Environments of Residential Zone, through a Typo-morphological Approach - With Case Study on the Bangi-dong Area Formed by Land Readjustment Project
Authors 임유경 ; 안건혁 ; 임강륜
Page pp.67-87
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시건축규제 ; 건축유형 ; 가로 ; 가로환경 ; 유형형태학적 접근 ; 형태지역 Planning and Building Regulations ; Building Type ; Street ; Street Environment ; Typo-morphological Approach ; Morphological Region
Abstract This study aims at understanding how the planning and building regulations influenced building type and street environment within the residential zone, and to establish logical guidelines for their future improvement. Formation and transformation of the various building types are examined through the typo-morphological analyses, and the implications of the study are summarized as follows; First, the regulations have affected the formation and transformation of building types, and the particular building types dominate according to the characteristics of a plot and street pattern, thus formulating the 'morphological regions'. Second, placement and mass of the buildings, particularly at the street level, are adjusted to meet the new demand prompted by regulations, which resulted in the transformation of the street environments. Problems resulting from discordance between the general rules and the site-specific conditions show varied tendencies according to the 'morphological regions(streets)'. The 'morphological regions(streets)' in turn would serve as the basis for prescribing the planning and building regulations zones for the efficient management of the existing urban environment.