Title |
A Study on the Needs and Functions of a Coordinator Organization in the Local Improvement Program of the Deteriorated Residential Environment Improvement Project |
Keywords |
주거환경개선사업 ; 현지개량방식 ; 거점확산형 시범사업 ; 코디네이터 Residential Environment Improvement Project ; Local Improvement Program ; Area-Based Development Pilot Project ; Coordinator |
Abstract |
Residents-led small housing renovation projects have emerged as large renovation projects do not work well under the current long-term and rundown real estate market. For continuous residents-led small housing renovation projects with gradual and steady progressions, a mid-level coordinator organization is required. The organization may mediate both parties if the government and residents support the sustainable development. Therefore, we suggest that the current coordinator organizations in the renovation projects of area-based development pilot project should be extended to general residential environment improvement projects. This article includes the details for coordinating organizational activities. It analyzed the performance and project procedures of residential environment improvement projects. It revised the Urban and Living Environment Improvement Act and also affirmed the coordinating of organizations to promote the local improvement program of the residential environment improvement project. It also analyzed many similar housing renovation projects and have drawn 10 major functions for coordinating organizations, such as building local DB, resident counseling and consultation, and post management. In addition, it suggests that coordinating organizations are necessary to consistently manage not only during the entire period of project but also before and after the project. |