Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title An Analysis of the Planning Efficiency of Maximum Building Height by Block Unit - Focusing on Maximum Building Height Rules in Teheran-ro
Authors 최진희 ; 양승우
Page pp.129-138
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 가로구역별 건축물 최고높이제도 ; 사선제한 ; 경관미 ; 개발용량 ; 기반시설 Building Maximum Building Height by Block Unit ; Setback Regulation ; Value of Urban Landscape Beauty ; Development Capacity ; Infrastructures
Abstract This study investigates the regulation efficiency over planning and implementation for maximum building height. Two steps analysis methods were applied. First the relationships between the regulation goals and management plans were analyzed. Second, it was analyzed wether the actual development would meet the regulation's objectives or not. The findings are as follows: First, this rule produced easy and clear approaches in the comparison to a setback regulation. Second, maximum building height rules turned out to have no difference in creating the urban landscape in comparison to setback regulation. Through the value of urban landscape beauty, the efficiency of upgrading the beauty of urban landscape is similar between two regulations. Thirdly, investigation of infrastructure was not considered in the early planning stage before application. However, the development capacity has been approximately doubled after applying the height rule, which claims to review development capacity related to the height standard.