Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Effects of Residential Environmental Factors on Personal Walking Probability - Focused on Seoul
Authors 김희철 ; 안건혁 ; 권영상
Page pp.5-18
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 보행확률 ; 주거입지 ; 건폐율 ; 환경요인 ; 토빗모형 Walking Probability ; Residential Location ; Coverage ; Built Environments ; Tobit Model
Abstract This study aims to analyze the effects of residential environmental factors on personal walking probability in Seoul, South Korea. A tobit regression model is adopted for analyzing the relationship between walking behavior and environmental factors such as residential location, land-use, urban form features. The results show that residential location, population density, mixed land use, street connectivity index, four-way crossroads density, average building coverage ratio within block positively influence personal walking probability. This points that a strategy making high density and mixed land use residential areas is even effective in Seoul, although there is criticism that the strategy has no effects on personal behaviors in a city already built with higher density than western cities. It is also necessary to take into account the density as a product of urban design rather than requirements. This study recommends converting to a space with small-scale grid block structure and high density in two-dimension.