Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Structure Environment of Streets and Preference of Pedestrians
Authors 송지연 ; 이세연 ; 박진아
Page pp.151-161
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 보행활성화 ; 대각선 가로 ; 가로 구조 ; 길선택 Improve Pedestrian ; Diagonal Street ; Structure of Street ; Path Choice
Abstract The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between street structure and path choice of pedestrians as a foundational cause of inducing walking. Through this research, the pedestrian path choice at an intersection was analyzed. The result of this study are as follows 1. Street layout preference show that people prefer low-rise streets than high-rise streets, widely preferring a crossway degree of 20°, 30°. 2. Within the highly preferred street layout, most selected diagonal paths than straight line paths. This can suggest that pedestrian path choice is influenced by the layout of streets and field of vision such as the height of buildings, and degree rise of roads. The thought-provoker of this study is that pedestrian path choice and inflow of the walking are influenced by the structure environment of streets except for the physical environment conditions in the intersection. In this point of view, the characteristic of incoming pedestrians was confirmed by the street layout properties of the diagonal structure-based paths.