Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title An Analysis of the Relationships between Pedestrian Traffic Density and the Physical Environmental Factors of Commercial Streets
Authors 김기헌 ; 손동욱 ; 이동훈
Page pp.161-171
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 가로설계 ; 보행 ; 토지이용 ; 공간구문론 ; Street Design ; Walking ; Land Use ; Space Syntax
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between pedestrian traffic volume and the urban environmental factors of streets in commercial areas. The analysis examines the effects of ground level facades and land use factors on pedestrian traffic volume at street level. The effect of the street configuration on the relationship between pedestrian traffic volume and urban environmental factors of streets are compared. The results of the analysis indicate that the permeability of wall structures and clothing retail uses at ground level, as well as good street connectivity are significantly associated with an increase in pedestrian traffic volume in commercial areas. The effects of these factors, however, are differentiated by the street configuration.