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Title A Study on the Street Management System for Improving the Pedestrian Environment - Focus on Complete Streets Policy and Design Guidelines in U.S.A
Authors 이여경 ; 김지수 ; 이정형
Page pp.75-91
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 보행환경 ; 가로관리체계 ; 통합가로 ; 디자인가이드라인 ; Pedestrian Environment ; Street Management System ; Complete Streets ; Design Guidelines
Abstract The Purpose of this research is to analyze by the 'Complete Streets' policy of America in order to elicit its implications and thus to help improve the street management system in Korea. This study analyzed the complete streets policies of Boston, San Francisco, New York City and Philadelphia as a case study. These cases are chosen, mainly because the four cities have holistic street management systems. The findings are as follows: (1) Based on complete streets policies and laws, each city has just one design guideline to control streets. (2) All the related agencies, experts, and communities participated in the development of the 'complete streets design guideline'. (3) The design guideline aims to encourage a high-quality pedestrian environment by both minimum standards and optimal standards. Also it considers several multiple aspects including safety, aesthetics, a sense of place, sustainability etc.