Title |
Characteristics of and Lessons from New York City's Commercial District Zoning |
Keywords |
뉴욕시 ; 조닝 ; 상업지역 ; 맥락조닝 ; 특별강화상업지구 ; 중복지구 ; 등가주거지역 ; New York City ; Zoning ; Contextual Zoning ; Commercial Zone ; Overlay District |
Abstract |
This study aims to identify means of improving Korea's zoning system through an examination and evaluation of the techniques and system for zoning commercial districts in New York City(NYC). After providing a detailed summary of the core issues and main techniques introduced during the development of NYC's zoning from 1916 to the present in Section 2, Section 3 analyzes the techniques and system currently implemented by the city for commercial district zoning, and Section 4 identifies NYC zoning's contemporary characteristics and issues. The characteristics identified by this study are as follows. First, in order to reflect the characteristics of the highly diverse commercial districts, they have been divided into 83 detailed types. Second, by expanding contextual zoning, which was first introduced in residential districts, to commercial districts as well, NYC is able to consider the built form surrounding the commercial contextual districts and to guarantee continuity with the street. Third, as use and density regulations are separated, FAR and lot coverage are not applied uniformly throughout the use district but automatically follow that of the surrounding district. Fourth, as a complement to the general use zoning system, the city has implemented special districts grounded on urban design techniques like design guidelines and more detailed controls and regulations. In particular, it has introduced Special Enhanced Commercial Districts in order to create pedestrian-friendly streets in commercial areas. |