Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Supply Strategies for Public Housing Using the Private Land - Focused on the Possibility of Using Deteriorated Housing in Seoul
Authors 이동훈(Lee, Dong-Hoon)
Page pp.61-72
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 민간토지 ; 공공주택 ; 노후주택 ; 민관협력 Private Land ; Public Housing ; Deteriorated House ; Public-private Partnership
Abstract Along with the diversification of public housing types, measures to induce the participation of the private sector are tried to expand public housing supply. This research seeks the measures to supply public housing by leasing land from private sector and reviews their possibility focused on Seoul metropolitan area. It can be used for supplying new public housing and providing opportunities for the improvement of their residential environments to allow the public sector to borrow the land from the private landowners of deteriorated single-family houses or row houses, which are scattered in the residential area and are hard to be rebuilt because of their financial problem. Institutional framework for standardized process and document related to the land leasing is required. Also guarantee for the execution of property right and incentive such as tax avoidance need to be secured to induce the private sector to lease its land to the public sector. Furthermore, management system should be established to improve the residential environment by managing the existing housing stock and by fostering the non-profit housing agency at the town level, which serves the small scale housing development projects.