Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Strategy of Combining Mitigation and Adaptation Planning and Evaluation of the Importance of Climate Change Response Plan
Authors 강영은(Kang, Youngeun) ; 박창석(Park, Chang Sug)
Page pp.115-127
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 기후변화 ; 완화 및 적응 전략 ; 미국 기후변화 대응 전략 Climate Change ; Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy ; Climate Change Response Plan of USA
Abstract This study is focused on combining a mitigation strategy and an adaptation strategy for developing a climate change plan. The authors investigated climate change strategies of representative cities in USA and conducted expert verification and an expert survey on climate change strategies. As a result, 34 factors were found to be the main factors to be considered for a climate change strategy. The factors that recorded comparatively high on the importance were "Forest preservation", "Green way and (Urban) forest", "Solar thermal energy", "Flood protection construction plan", "Park Creation" and "Tree planting". Furthermore, the importance scores among the factors and the correlation between the mitigation strategy and the adaptation strategy were derived by the expert survey. This study has a significance in that it examined the trend of the climate change strategies in USA, which has consolidated its position as a leading climate change strategy expert, and identified the main planning factors required to cope with climate change in both mitigation and adaptation strategies. These results can contribute to maximizing the efficiency of a climate change plan and selecting priority factors to be considered in the plan development.