Title |
Correlation between Social Activities and the Physical Characteristics of Urban Parks: |
Authors |
아스트리 위테르노(Widoretno, Astri) ; 김영민(Kim, Youngmin) |
Keywords |
도시공원 ; 이용자 행태 유형 ; 사회적 활동 ; 행태 맵핑 Urban Park ; Behavioral Pattern ; Social Activity ; Behavior Mapping |
Abstract |
This research was aimed at discovering physical characteristics that support social activities in urban parks based on the case of Bandung, Indonesia. The behavior mapping method and ordinal logistic regression model were used in the research. In the statistical analysis, among various elements, play equipment, ‘sittable’ furniture was examined as the most important physical elements in a park, having the highest probability to induce social activities. To create more sociable parks, several important physical characteristics should be considered: space for active programs, a combination of spaces for active programs and a seating area, and the configuration of the benches. An analysis of seven parks showed that physical characteristics can encourage social activities in urban parks. The significance of this research is its demonstration that the design and planning of physical elements can guide patterns of social activities and social activity can be used as an indicator to evaluate public space design. |