Title |
Analysis of Physical Environmental Factors that Affect Pedestrian Volumes by Street Type |
Authors |
이정우(Lee, Jeongwoo) ; 김혜영(Kim, Hyeyoung) ; 전철민(Jun, Chulmin) |
Keywords |
유동인구조사 ; 보행 ; 복합토지이용 ; 가로유형 ; 군집분석 Pedestrian Flow Survey ; Walking ; Mixed Land Use ; Street Types ; Cluster Analysis |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to categorize streets in Seoul and to identify key factors that affect pedestrian volumes. While most studies have categorized pedestrian areas based on land use patterns or urban spatial structure, this study categorizes streets by pedestrian flow characteristics in terms of time of day and day of week via a cluster analysis. It then identifies a relationship between actual patterns of pedestrian flow and land-use distributions. The results find that Seoul’s streets can be categorized into office-centered commercial streets, residential-centered commercial-mixed streets, commercial-centered office-mixed streets, residential-centered manufacturing-and-office-mixed streets, and multifamily-housing-centered commercial-and-office-mixed streets. The study investigates key factors affecting pedestrian volumes using regression models and finds that the factors which increase pedestrian volume differ by type of street. A large number of pedestrians were observed in an office-centered commercial street with greater accessibility to public transportation and sidewalks that blocked car traffic. One key to increased walking in commercial-centered office-mixed streets was the convenience of pedestrian facilities and street configuration, whereas factors that had greater impacts on pedestrian volumes in residential-centered streets were land-use mix and building use at street level. |