Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Correlation Analysis between Physical Development Types and Methods about Smart HealthㆍCulture Cluster
Authors 한주형(Han, Ju-Hyung) ; 이상호(Lee, Sang-Ho)
Page pp.137-160
ISSN 1598-0650
Keywords 건강ㆍ문화클러스터 ; 메가 트렌드 ; 거시적 개발방향 ; 물리적 개발유형과 개발기법 HealthㆍCulture Cluster ; Mega-Trend ; Macroscopic Development Direction ; Physical Development Types and Methods
Abstract This study aims to figure out the correlation between types and methods for development of healthㆍculture cluster and the results are as follows. First, the healthㆍ culture cluster has evolved in terms of the concept, keyword and mega-trend. Second, 51st development methods are classified along with 28th in Korea, 23th in foreign countries. 51st methods draw 8 development types from key-word grouping analysis. Third, Korean cases focus on the revitalization of region such as traffic facilities and infrastructure, economics space for local special food. Foreign cases are being evolved by environmental preservation, regional identity and traditional and cultural space. Lastly, the healthㆍculture cluster expected to be the infrastructure and space development for human with nature, the traffic network for rapid-access, and the systematic fusion between infrastructure and management for smart life-style.