Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Roles and Supporting Strategies of National Urban Regeneration Assistance Agency - A Comparative Study on Four Specialists Groups’ Recognition
Authors 박성남(Park, Sungnam) ; 서수정(Seo, Soojeoung) ; 임강륜(Lim, Kangryun)
Page pp.29-46
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시재생지원기구 ; 선도지역 ; 파트너십 Urban Regeneration Assistance Agency ; Pilot Project ; Partnership
Abstract This study aims to identify the detailed functions and roles of the National Urban Regeneration Assistance Agencies. It also seeks to suggest implications for the operational strategies for the agencies in the short- and also long-term perspectives. In-depth interviews with urban regeneration specialists, grouped into four, were conducted to collect various opinions on the future roles of the agencies. Interviewed specialists highlighted a partnership among the three current agencies established in the system. They also argued that supports from the agencies should be focused on local governments which lacks of urban regeneration capacity. The significance of education and training on residents and on public officials was highlighted in the interviews, too. The majority of interviewees agreed that there is a need to differentiate assistance strategy between “city center regeneration projects”, and “urban neighbourhood regeneration projects”. In addition, it was highlighted that there is a need to create and enhance a cooperative network among stockholders and participants including the team staff members from the three agencies. This research concludes with following implications for the future: 1) enhancing the agencies’ specialties, authorities and capacity, 2) developing its functions responding to future socio-economic changes, and 3) developing its sustainable supporting system responding to local demands properly.