Authors |
신우재(Shin, Woo-Jae) ; 김도년(Kim, Do-Nyun) ; 조영태(Cho, Young-Tae) ; 박신원(Park, Shin-Won) |
Keywords |
유시티 ; 스마트시티 ; 지수평가지표 ; 유비쿼터스도시계획 ; 국제경쟁력 U-City ; Smart City ; Index Indicator ; U-City Plan ; International Competitiveness |
Abstract |
Although the U-City industry has gained competitiveness domestically for over ten years, it has been difficult to export to the global market. Experts expect that the promotion of new town construction projects will be difficult due to the denunciation of the Housing Site Development Promotion Act. Therefore, the future global expansion of U-City is recognized as an important task for the growth of the U-City industry. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to propose a solution to strengthen U-City’s international competitiveness through comparison and analysis of Smart City and U-City’s promotional direction. The promotional direction for Smart Cities and U-Cities can be found through the Smart City Index and the U-City Plan. The main actors in U-City Plans and Smart Cities Index are divided into public and private. U-City pursue regional character and diversity, depart from concentrations of traffic and crime, and seek disaster prevention. Smart Cities’ first consideration is the environment. Therefore, the U-City industry needs to create a basis for changing the existing main actor to enterprise, fuse other fields for the purpose of establishing international competitiveness, and respond to change through continuous research. |