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Title The Typology and Characteristics of Shanty Towns According to the Formation and the Change in Seoul
Authors 김영욱(Kim, Young-Ook) ; 신행우(Shin, Haeng-Woo) ; 김민수(Kim, Min-Su)
Page pp.45-58
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 저소득층 주거지 ; 무허가 불량주거지 ; 판자촌 ; 집단이주정착지 ; 신발생 무허가 정착지 Shantytown ; Squatter Settlement ; Green House Village
Abstract This paper aims to investigate the background of formation and change in shanty towns. Shanty towns in Seoul are investigated in detail. The results shows that we can categorize shanty towns according to their formation background, location, and typological characteristics. First generation shanty towns were located near existing residential areas or by streams after Korean War. Second generation shanty towns appeared through the re-location of large populations to shanty towns occupying hillsides in the outskirts of cities. The spatial structure of the towns had a grid-like spatial network. Since the 1980’s, ‘new forms of shanty towns’ have existed. They appeared through the destruction of second generation shanty towns, and they were located on public property as well as in private property. These findings shed light on the current literature regarding shanty towns by broadening the research scope and not necessarily being confine to a certain period or area.