Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Securing the Public Rental Housing through Small-Unit Improvement Project - Focused on the Management and Disposal Method and Private Land Lease Method
Authors 김옥연(Kim, Ok Yeon) ; 권혁삼(Kwon, Hyuck-Sam)
Page pp.77-88
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 소단위 정비사업 ; 공공임대주택 ; 사업성 분석 ; 관리처분방식 ; 민간토지임차방식 Small-Unit Improvement Project ; Public Rental Housing ; Feasibility analysis ; Management and Disposal Method ; Private Land Lease Method
Abstract This study evaluated a small-unit improvement project, through which small-sized apartment houses are constructed after demolishing existing deteriorated houses, as a method for increasing public rental housing in urban areas. Four public rental housing supply models were classified by business method (method of securing land), main participant, and housing types. Cost and income were calculated based on the construction design plans for the study area, and cash flow was analyzed through four scenarios that applied standard information, such as the ratio of land price increases, the reflection ratio of current rent prices, the rate of rent increase, and the national housing fund interest rate. Results of the analysis indicated that the management and disposal method and the private land lease method are both effective in reducing land purchase costs at the outset of the project. In particular, a quasi-public rental housing model based on the private land lease method exhibited the highest NPV and lowest marginal burden charges to original residents, and was thus verified as an effective model. Furthermore, it was found that the reflection ratio of current rent prices is the most significant variable affecting project feasibility. However, because increases in the reflection ratio of current rent prices can place a burden on tenants, adjusting the interest rate regulation was determined to be more appropriate.