Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Planning Methodologies for Smart City Master Plan - Focused on Spatial Planning of Baikal Smart City Master Plan
Authors 김도년(Kim, Do-Nyun) ; 권원순(Kwon, Won-Soon) ; 양성민(Yang, Sung-Min) ; 허효성(Huh, Hyo-Sung)
Page pp.109-122
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 스마트시티 ; 마스터플랜 ; 계획기법 Smart City ; Master Plan ; Planning Methodology
Abstract Globally accelerated urbanization has led to excessive consumption of limited resources and high population concentration. This highlights the necessity of establishing a sustainable urban system as a solution. Smart Cities, suggested as one of the promising solutions, has been under study in various fields. Moreover, there is an increasing number of both studies and projects in the planning practice of urban design. While theoretical studies on Smart Cities have been actively investigated, however, research on planning methodology is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze the planning methodology for Smart City Master Plan. The case study of the Baikal Smart City Master Plan for Irkutsk Oblast in Russia was investigated. The results are as follows. First, the process to prepare the Smart City Master Plan should besubdivided. Second, a flexible approach to each planning item is required in the planning process. Third, holistic approaches to climate, infrastructure, and spatial plans should be considered in order to achieve the goals of Smart Cities. This study has its significance in redefining the master plan and planning methodology for “Baikal Smart City”, which takes into account the Siberian climate, thereby contributing to future plans for Smart Cities.