Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Comparative Analysis of Factors Contributing to Visitors’ Satisfaction and Revisit Intention in Urban and Non-urban Beaches of Busan
Authors 배경완(Bae, Kyung-wan) ; 강정은(Kang, Jung Eun) ; 이상혁(Lee, Sang-hyeok) ; 김종성(Kim, Jong-sung)
Page pp.23-38
ISSN 1598-0650
Keywords 해수욕장 ; 도심형 ; 비도심형 해수욕장 ; 만족도 ; 재방문 ; 텍스트마이닝 ; 순서형 로짓모델 ; 이항로짓모델 Beach ; Urban and Non-urban Type Beach ; Satisfaction ; Revisit ; Text-mining ; Ordinary Logistic Model ; Binary Logistic Model
Abstract This study compared visitors’ perception on the quality of urban beaches with that of non-urban beaches. Also we examined factors affecting visitors’ satisfaction and revisit intention. This study employed text-mining for analyzing big text data and Man-Whitney test for comparing survey data between urban and non-urban beaches. In order to investigate factors influencing visitors’ satisfaction and revisit intention, we utilized ordinal logistic model and binary logistic model. While urban beach visitors showed a relatively high degree of satisfaction in comfort, accommodations and commercial facilities, and experience programs, non-urban beach visitors were highly satisfied with water quality and safety issues. The degree of visitors satisfaction is a critical factor which affects visitors’ decision to revisit both urban and non-urban beaches. The results can provide useful information to develop customized policies for each beach type.