Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Characteristics of the Current Building Deterioration and Remodeling Situation in Korean Cities
Authors 황지현(Hwang, Ji-Hyon) ; 양승호(Yang, Seung-Ho) ; 박정환(Park, Jung-Hwan) ; 권영상(Kwon, Young-Sang)
Page pp.65-82
ISSN 1598-0650
Keywords 건축물 노후도 ; 건축물 리모델링 ; 도시재생 ; t-검정 ; 상관분석 Building Deterioration ; Building Remodeling ; Urban Regeneration ; T-test ; Correlation Analysis
Abstract This study analyzes the current situation and characteristics of the building deterioration and remodeling in Korean cities. For this purpose, the number of old buildings and the trends of remodeling are analyzed in 252 municipalities. Then, t-test and correlation analysis were conducted in order to find out the relations between the ratio of the old buildings and the number of buildings remodeled. The results of this study are as follows. Although building remodeling is needed more urgently in several municipalities that have more old buildings, the actual remodeling has not yet been activated there. Also, it turns out that there are certain limitations on the institutional strategies. For example, various institutional supports tend to focus more on the high-rise apartment housing types, rather than the low-rise small buildings which account for a great part of the old buildings. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to provide the revised public policies, which are specifically tailored for remodeling old buildings concentrated in those cities.