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Title Study on the Design Deliberation System of Songpa-gu - Focused on the Commissioner System for Urban Design Committee
Authors 이유경(Lee, Yu-Kyung) ; 김기호(Kim, Ki-Ho)
Page pp.53-68
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 디자인심의 ; 도시디자인위원회 ; 커미셔너제도 ; 송파구 Design Deliberation ; Urban Design Committee ; Commissioner System ; Songpa-gu
Abstract This study aims to analyze the operation of the commissioner system in the Songpa-gu Urban Design Committee and to look at the pros and cons of the system’s operation. From 2010 until the first half of 2014, the Songpa-gu Design committee actively operated a commissioner system in which one of the Urban Design Committee members participated in revising, supplementing buildings’ exterior design with architectural office as a commissioner about retrial or conditional items and that would fit the standards of Songpa-gu design guidelines and the urban context. This system had the advantage of being able to set the architectural design direction and shorten the complementary deliberation schedule. While the Commissioner was burdened by having to modify the building design in a short time and respond to unreasonable demands from the design offices, the architectural offices had issues with the commissioner infringing on architects’domain and overlooking of the projects process. For improvement, there is a need for the formalization of the commissioner system, the integration of the Architectural Committee and Design Committee, continuous design policies, and expanded budgets.