Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Mixed-use Characteristics of Low-rise Residential Area in Hongdae's Commercial District
Authors 최경인(Choi, Kyungin) ; 김세훈(Kim, Saehoon)
Page pp.41-56
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 용도혼합도 ; 도시공간 집적패턴 ; 세부업종특성 Mixed-use Ratio ; Spatial Agglomeration Pattern ; Specific Business Characters
Abstract As a commercial district of Hongdae in Seoul is thriving and expanding, its commercialized area is spreading across nearby residential district. This study analyzes the mixed-used characteristics of residential area in Hongdae's commercial district. The research is conducted as follows. First, two specific residential areas like Seo-gyo and Yeon-nam are chosen for empirical analysis. Second, 71 blocks that are scattered within the selected areas are surveyed in 2015 in terms of the mixed-use ratio and the pattern of non-residential building uses. The results show that the surveyed blocks are categorized into five types based on the ratio of non-residential and commercial properties. Each type exhibits different businesses and different spatial atmosphere. Hongdae commercial district likely shows continued mixed-use development and adaptive-reuse activities. Therefore, further studies are needed to clarify how the mixed-use ratio and its spatial pattern might influence the surrounding urban environment.