Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Change of Neighborhood Relationship of Community Program Participants by using Social Network Analysis - Focused on 3 Apartment Complexes in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
Authors 김택규(Kim, Taek-Gyu) ; 정석(Jeong, Seok)
Page pp.71-88
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 마을 공동체 지원사업 ; 공동체 프로그램 ; 이웃관계 ; 사회연결망분석 Community Activation Projects ; Community Programs ; Neighbor Relations ; Social Network Analysis
Abstract As the conflicts between neighbors living in the same apartment become a social issue, many local governments are actively carrying out community participatory programs. Therefore, it is imperative to verify the formation and improvement of relationship between participants, who are the part of the community programs. The purpose of this study is to microscopically prove and analyze the effect of the community programs focusing on 'the change of neighbor relations'. In order to fulfill the goal, the case studies from three apartments in Seongbuk-gu are selected and analyzed by utilizing social network analysis. The results are as follows. First, participants mostly built a social network with neighbors through periodical meeting and interaction even though they haven't known each other before. Second, although the relationship between participants was improved in terms of individuals and community, the scope of the group that had a higher degree of connectedness did not change significantly. Third, there is a difference between the degree of an actual change in the neighbor relations and the degree of influence that they recognized the program would have.