Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title An Analysis of the Factors of Pedestrian Traffic Accident by Driver’s Age and Accident Severity - Focused on 2014 TAAS, Seoul, Korea
Authors 이기훈(Lee, Gihoon) ; 이수기(Lee, Sugie)
Page pp.63-80
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 보행자 교통사고 ; 사고심각도 ; 고령운전자 ; 순서형 로짓 회귀분석 ; TAAS Pedestrian Traffic Accident ; Accident Severity ; Elderly Driver ; Ordered Logit Regression ; TAAS
Abstract This study examined the accident-related factors which affect the severity of pedestrian traffic accident by driver’s age. We used an ordered logit model that examined the determinant factors of pedestrian traffic accident’s severity using the 2014 TAAS data. The results of this study are as follows. First, traffic congestion and average speed of cars were statistically significant factors for the pedestrian accident severity for the model of 40~50 age or 60+ age drivers. Second, as physical environment factors, crosswalk or intersection variable was the most influential factor for the severity of pedestrian accident. In addition, areas near bus stations were strong factors for the severity of pedestrian accident in all models except for the model of 40~50 age drivers. Third, land use variables such as commercial and industrial floor area ratio were also critical factors. We conclude that the traffic accident factors affecting the severity of pedestrian traffic accident were different from each age group of drivers. The results of this study will be helpful to develop transportation policies for pedestrian safety by considering the characteristics of drivers.