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Title A Study on the Contribution of Building’s Artwork to Improvement of Urban Landscape and the Enjoyment of Culture and Art - Focused on Residents Living in Seoul City
Authors 류선정(Ryu, Sun-Jung)
Page pp.81-90
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 공공미술 ; 문화예술향유 ; 도시경관 ; 건축물 미술작품 Public Art ; Enjoyment of Culture and Art ; Urban Landscape ; Building’s Artwork
Abstract The goal of the study is to verity that building’s artworks contribute to the improvement of urban landscape and the enjoyment of culture and art by surveying residents living in Gangnam-gu, Gangbook-gu, Nowon-gu and Joong-gu in Seoul. The results are summarized as follows. First, there was a strong relation among the contribution of public art, the level of enjoyment of culture and art, and the improvement of urban landscape. Second, there was correlation between the satisfaction of urban landscape and the necessity of public art, showing that the majority of people perceived that the installation of public art improves the urban landscape. Third, 52.1% of people recognized building’s artworks. Fourth, there was a correlation between the contribution of building’s artworks and the necessity of public art. Thanks to the optional funding system, building owners can provide Art and Culture Fund to establish public art. This policy change will also enable regional authorities to alleviate regional bias in terms of public art development by assigning funds to less civilized area of their landscape. And it is necessary to sort the areas which are deficient or rich in building’s artwork through residents’s questionnaire at the being of plan period.