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Title A Study on Location Suitability of Public Sport Facilities by Using the Under-Space of Overpass in Seoul - Focused on GIS Analysis
Authors 양재영(Yang, Jaeyeong) ; 고진수(Ko, Jinsoo)
Page pp.91-106
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 고가하부 활용 ; GIS ; 공공체육시설 ; 입지적합성 분석 Under-Space of Overpass ; GIS ; Public Sport Facilities ; Location Suitability
Abstract By utilizing under-space of overpass, we can expect an improvement in efficiency and convenience of land use in the vicinity of the site. It is necessary to determine location of public sport facilities by evaluating the various factors systematically. The purpose of this study is to evaluate location suitability using the spatial analysis functions in GIS and to apply it to use the under-space of overpass as a public sport facility. We classify the under-space of overpass and determine location suitability of the space comprehensively by considering the physical and location characteristic, accessibility, population density, income distribution, and numbers of the neighboring facilities of the space. A higher location suitability was detected in the specific under-space of overpass. Where the vicinity is highly dense and has a limitation in terms of securing land for the provision of new facilities. Therefore, it seems appropriate to utilize these under-spaces of overpass to supply the public sport facilities in order to improve in efficiency of land use and to secure the land necessary for the provision of public facilities.