Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Application Transfer of Development Rights(TDR) for Preservation of Historic Cultural Resources - Focusing on the Areas of Joong-gu, Daegu
Authors 정지욱(Jeong, Ji-Wook) ; 김철영(Kim, Chul-Young)
Page pp.5-21
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 역사·문화 환경 ; 개발권양도제 ; 용적가치 Historic Cultural Resources ; TDR ; Value of Floor Area Ratio
Abstract This study aims at identifying feasibility of transfer of development right (TDR) as a tool for historic preservation in urban area. To achieve it, developing an implementation model and applying it to Joong-gu, Daegu as a pilot case. The results of this study based on the model can be summarized as follows. First, the model shows applicability of TDR for historic preservation that although it may be difficult for the receiving area to expropriate the entire development rights from the sending area, it can be possible to achieve a one-to-one development right transaction. Second, the current regulations for floor area ratios at the local municipality level are so loose that there may not be sufficient demands for TDR. Therefore, to make TDR successful as a tool for historic preservation, strong regulation for land use and development density combined with FAR(Floor Area Ratio) incentives should be necessary.