Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Individual Building Regeneration Method by Combined Architectural Development - With the Comparison Method of Domestic Regulation and the Similar Cases of United States and Japan
Authors 황지현(Hwang, Ji-Hyon) ; 권영상(Kwon, Young-Sang) ; 양승호(Yang, Seung-Ho) ; 이보람(Lee, Bo-Ram)
Page pp.23-48
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 필지결합 ; 결합개발 ; 결합건축 ; 용적이전 ; 노후건축물 ; 건축협정 ; 도시재생 Lot Merger ; Conjoint Development ; Combined Architectural Development ; Transfer FAR ; Deteriorated Building ; Building Agreement ; Urban Regeneration
Abstract This study aims to compare and analyze the system of building agreement and combined architectural development of Korea and the methods of lot merger used in the United States and Japan which enables sharing of the FAR between the combined lots and suggest the direction to activate regeneration of deteriorated building by this system. The results are as follows: 1) It is necessary to expand the applicable areas gradually in order to activate the use of lot merger and to make more specific criteria for the urban environment. 2) It is needed to differentiate the limit of the FAR on an individual lot in consideration of it's regional characteristics. 3) In addition to the special cadastre for building agreement, real property registration and the brokerage object confirmation are needed. With this study, it can be expected to use building agreement and lot merger more effectively to activate urban regeneration by building unit.