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Title Diversification of the Haengbok Public Rental Housing Business Models Using Publicly-Owned Lands
Authors 김옥연(Kim, Ok Yeon) ; 최은희(Choi, Eun Hee)
Page pp.105-120
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 행복주택 ; 국공유지무상임차 ; 국공유지유상임차 ; 국공유지출자형(반환형) ; 국공유지출자형(일반형) Haengbok Public Rental Housing ; Publicly-owned Land Free Lease ; Publicly-owned Land Paid Lease ; Publicly-owned Land Investment Lease(Return Type) ; Publicly-owned Land Investment(General Type)
Abstract This study suggests the diversification of business models that use publicly-owned lands to provide tenants with the Haengbok Public Rental Housing at a more affordable cost. It also provides various business models that promote the business participation of public management offices and housing constructors of publicly-owned lands. Business models that develop publicly-owned lands are classified as paid lease, free lease, and investment depending on how the lands are on mortgage (business models). The investment types are divided into a return type and a general type depending on whether the lands are returned and whether the stakes have parted when the business closes. The above-mentioned four methods are applied to case studies for a Feasibility analysis. It shows that the general type has the highest NPV. The following result when using the general investment type, such as : The first, the public housing constructors can reduce business cost and form land property. The second, the management offices of publicly-owned lands cannot preserve public lands. However, they can pursue both public interest and profitability. The third, tenants can live affordable housing.